Even if you don’t drive, you know this. You know red means stop and green means go. ( Okay I just spent a few months driving in the States and I realised pretty quickly that you can turn right on a red light there, but let’s not be pedantic, for the purposes of this message, red means stop!)
If your beautiful spirit is on a path and everything you do goes like clockwork, people come forward to support you, opportunities come out of nowhere and it just feels like a set of green lights one after the other, it is!! The universe and you are in alignment and you are getting the green lights to keep going. This is the road for you.
On the other hand if you are taking a path that feels beset with little niggles and hold backs: finances drain away, people cannot be there when they promised to be, things just seem really difficult or hard work as if the path is blocked….Hello?? It is. You are being shown red lights. Red lights means stop. This isn’t quite the speed or the time or the direction that is quite for you. The universe is trying to tell that there is another way to finance this scheme, or that this particular college course may not be the best in the long run. Showing you, for example, that although your venture may well be wonderful, this is not the place to be starting it up or on a very simple level, you are not going to be going out tonight!
What about striving and ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try again! Sure I subscribe to that too, but don’t knock your head against the same brick wall – it hurt last timer remember? Find a different way to achieve your goal, a different time or a different place, with a different mind-set.
When your spirit is really doing what is wants to do and you are being your authentic self then you will be given very clear signals from the universe. Sometimes it takes a while to see the pattern but the signs are there, and the reason becomes very obvious why you were being steered in that way.
So if you are getting green light after green light, keep going!! If not, maybe there is another way…… relax and let the ideas come to you. Take a breath and let it unfold.
I love you, humanity,
Eve x