Gratititude and Being Grateful..
Hi beautiful souls,
Finding ‘soul food’ in the art of gratitude is filling, cheap and nourishing. Feeling grateful has an amazing effect on our own well being as well as what happens around us. Saying, ‘thank you’ and feeling it, to others, yourself, and the universe, makes us feel content and bountiful
Further, those of you already versed in the concept of the Law of Attraction will recognise that the more we act as if we have what it is we seek, the sooner we attract it. Gratitude is the icing on the cake – the more we are grateful for what we already have, the more we attract similar things to us.
Do you want to try it? Why not take thirty days to try it out? For the next month, take the time to notice at least one thing every day that you feel grateful for. In can be anything from something you feel privileged to have seen, a relationship you have, the sunshine, or your health…something different everyday, however small. You can just notice and acknowledge it, write in a journal, create a gratitude board or fill up a jar with little pieces of grateful paper – whatever works for you! Let me know how you feel in a month!
I love you, humanity,
Love Eve x
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